Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thanks to all who visited us at the Mighty Kindness Harvest Hootenanny

In the midst of music, food, crafts and kindness there were plenty of folks who stopped by to ask about growing. What an inspiration! So in addition to my planned posts, I'll be giving you the specifics on starting an indoor garden, using a cold frame, simple composting techniques (your own compost is the BEST!) and how we can get back into growing our own food.

There's alot of information out there. Is it all reliable? Please know that anything on this blog comes from direct experience and/or proven techniques.  Truth abounds! And it's fun!

So one of my first thoughts about getting back into growing is: why NOT start a garden? Right now. Seems that not enough space is a frequent comment. Not enough time is a close second.  I'm not going to try to convince otherwise, but simply say that once (no, many times) I thought the same thing. Today it's the end of October and I'm going to pick a fresh organic salad of leaf lettuce, mild mustard greens and crunchy fresh spinach from my 2' by 4' garden box just outside my side door.  I was wrong.  Ah, thank goodness I was wrong!

More to come.  For now - stay positive and think green.  And dream...a gardener's way of saying start planning to grow your garden - anywhere!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


This new blog is currently under construction - please check back for your complete guide to Indoor Vegetable Gardening and Spring Vegetable Gardening. I'll be posting all of the information displayed at the Mighty Kindness Hootenanny too.  Thanks for checking in!